First off... the Dryer's Peppermint + Chocolate ice cream was tasty! But not like awesome because I think... it was minty sweet + chocolate sweet instead of minty + chocolate bitter which I feel what "real hot chocolate" is more like. I think introducing the coffee aspect would make it even more delicious but it wouldn't be the ice cream version of the liquid peppermint mocha, if that makes sense.
Secondly... appearently I wasn't such an Einstein.
Peppermint Mocha ice cream already exists!
Made by Starbucks no less. haha. In your local grocery stores they say. Drats! I guess I'll have to make my millions the honest way! ;]
i have become completely convinced that you need to try making your own ice cream... i have done 3 batches now (of differing varieties) and have pretty much been told that i must bring ice cream whenever i go to events.